Weight lifting hooks work similar to weight lifting straps. Instead of wrapping the straps around the straight bar, you put weight lifting hooks on around your wrists and there is a seriously heavy duty steel hook that will grasp any straight bar. What purpose does this serve? When you train your back heavy the weakest link often gives out or gets tired before the back has fatigued. Basically when you do heavy rows or shrugs your grip will slip before you back muscles are fully trained. You'll be amazed at the weights you can move with these weight lifting hooks. Get ready to see your back muscles and traps grow. Perfect for deadlifts, heavy prolonged shrug sessions, chin ups, prolonged leg/knee raise sessions, and any other exercise you can think of that grip becomes an issue. • HENCHGRIPZ designed and built this set based on customer feedback and ideas • HENCHGRIPZ HEAVY (750 LBS ONLY) STEEL HOOK Style Pro Wrist Straps (PAIR) • This pair of hooks lifting straps are extra HEAVY duty. • Built in Velcro & Nylon heavy duty Strap/webbing for a tight wrap & FIT •Wrist area is EXTRA padded with Neoprene padding to provide maximum comfort. • Hooking portion is 4mm steel and wide for lifting up to 750 lbs of weight and a good fit and balance on the bar. • The STEEL hook/cup is lined with a polymer material that grips the bar.